Writer's Guidelines for Psychology for Living
Psychology for Living literature applies sound Biblical and psychological principles to the everyday issues of life and cover a wide range of personal and relational needs. Articles range from those that deal with in-depth psychological problems, such as schizophrenia, to those that address communication and family relationships. Others deal with emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, and anger, and personal stories of coping or overcoming spiritual and emotional hardships.
Articles need to be written with lay people in mind; technical terminology should be kept to a minimum. We prefer articles that offer insight and understanding with practical applications that are well illustrated, but avoid "Christianeze" and suggestions that have a "preachy" tone.
Narramore Christian Foundation is a non-profit organization. The articles we publish serve as a ministry for both Christian and non-Christian readers, and also encourage supporters of NCF ministries.
We offer an honorarium of $200 for articles between 1,200 to 1,700 words and $125 for articles less than 1,200 words. For previously published articles, we pay $75 per article, except when the previous publisher has a standard fee and requires that we pay them directly.
A query letter is not necessary. If you have an article that fits Psychology for Living literature requirements, we will be pleased to consider it. Manuscripts should be double-spaced on 8" x 11" pages, and sent as a Word document attachment via e-mail. All Scripture quotations must be properly referenced.
Please be sure to retain a personal copy, as manuscripts are not returned, and include a brief biographical sketch. Also indicate which of the following statements apply:
- New article never published before
- Article previously published but rewritten
- Article previously published in book, magazine, journal, other (indicate all that apply)
E-mail: chibma@ncfliving.org
Narramore Christian Foundation,
PO Box 661900, Arcadia, CA 91066-1900
Cynthia Hibma, Editor