PhD in Clinical Christian Counseling

The Narramore Christian Foundation underwrites and facilitates a counseling doctorate in Southeast Asia, an area of the world that has long been underserved by mental health practitioners and especially by those who view emotional disorders from a Christian perspective.

Our mission is to provide psychological understanding, training, and theological integration within the Asian context that encompasses the following characteristics:

Clinical:  Skilled, competent, and compassionate practitioners of counseling and psychotherapy.

Instructional:  Training of well-informed instructors and teachers who can articulate the psycho-spiritual principles of Christian emotional health and wholeness in churches and academic settings.

Research:  Christian counselors who contribute original research and written resources to the field.

Integration:  Christian counselors who personally exemplify the qualities of Christ-like character and psychosocial maturity in their endeavor to integrate biblical theological truths with the principles of true psychological research and knowledge.

As the only Christian doctoral program in Southeast Asia, we rejoice to see our graduates use their knowledge and deep understanding of psychotherapy to minister to suffering and broken people, many of whom live in third world circumstances.  

The doctoral program offers the Ed.D. in Christian Counseling.